RAP Outreach Global Ministries International Prayer Network Watch
The Earth revolves on a 360-degree axis. Each degree equals 4 mins. when you multiply 360 by 4, you get 1440; divide this by 60 and you get 24 hours that is 1 day. The 24 hours is divided into 8 3 hour segments called watches. During each watch, God is releasing different things into the earth for your benefit and for the advancement of the kingdom. During each watch it is vitally important that you take charge of the very first minute of that hour and pray for at least 1 hour.
First Watch: 6:00am – 9:00am
Take control of the day; your day.
Time for Declaration – declare what you want God to do for you during this day as it relates to your
specific assignment – whatever finances or people.
Angels are to be released to us at this time to bring forth what God has released into the earth for us.
Transformation of our thinking pattern being released. Ask God to change your thinking.
Being equip for work.
Second Watch: 9:00am – Noon
Harvest is being released. Call forth your harvest. 1Kings 18:8 Declare for you the Promise from the Bible “Seedtime and Harvest”
Scientific and Technological advancement is being released (Joshua 23:14) Areas you can use from the Promise Bible: Unique Abilities, Understanding & Wisdom
Healing of Relationship – “be reconciled to God. God has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2Corinthians 5:17-21) Push, feel for the release that God is giving you. Comfort and Encouragement – Promise Bible
Third Watch: Noon – 3:00pm
Promises of God are released Acts 26:13 and Jeremiah 15:8
Shaking of Foundations – knowing your authority in Christ. Know the power that God has invested in us (Luke 10:17-21) There are 7 foundational pillars in any kingdom – king, throne, authority, foundation etc..
Change your altars – change your ways of thinking and doing things.
Build new altars and establish new covenants
Fourth Watch: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Transformation of History and removal of veils
Remove coverings of darkness
Hour of covenant and prayers
Fifth Watch: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Take dominion of Governments
Release and take dominion over Economies
Release and take dominion over Inventions
Release and take dominion over Arts
Release and take dominion over Culture
Come against strategies of Government
Subdue all spiritual strongholds, silence them and replace them (Eph. 4:9 tied to Heb. 4:14-16 and Jer.. 1:10)
Sixth Watch: 9:00pm – Midnight
Specific favors are being released – (Acts 23:23) declare the favor scriptures Patents are being released
Ideas and inventions are released – Unique Abilities
Strategies for business
Ask for systems to be changed banking, loans, government, educational and health systems
Take charge of our media
Get involve in and take charge of sports
Divine provision and divine favors
Seventh Watch: midnight – 3:00am
Divine Protection is released
Demonic decrees are released. You have to cancel, made void all human and demonic curse, nullify them
Bring judgments against satanic decrees and curses
Eighth Watch: 3:00am – 6:00am
Angelic activities are heightened at this time
Assign your angels to bring forth what God has released
Assistance is being released
Cancel all demonic transaction except those that are by divine appointment
Possess the gateway of what God has released for you.